I am interested in making robot learn from lay users demonstrations. Since this data might be imperfect or
contain errors, my focus is on developing methods for robots to learn safe and reliable behaviors from it.
Self Supervised Detection of Incorrect Human Demonstrations: A Path Toward Safe Imitation Learning by Robots in the Wild
Noushad Sojib, Momotaz Begum
IROS 2024, 2024
We propose a Behavior Cloning for Error Detection (BED) framework that can detect incorrect human demonstrations in a self-supervised manner. With lay users demonstration we show that using our method robots can learn to avoid unsafe behaviors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in RoboSuite simulation and with a Sawyer robot.
Self-Supervised Visual Motor Skills via Neural Radiance Fields
Paul Gesel, Noushad Sojib, Momotaz Begum
IROS 2023, 2023
We propose a novel network architecture for visual imitation learning that exploits neural radiance fields (NeRFs) and key-point correspondence for self-supervised visual motor policy learning.
These include coursework, side projects and unpublished research work.
Kiddo: An educational robot for children
Simulation and hardware.
Lee: A biped walking robot
We developed a low cost full body biped walking robot.
Ribo Robot
website /
A 24 DOF humanoid robot with a friendly interface capable of hand and arm manipulation.